Aims & Scope
The aim of KutBilim Journal of Social Sciences and Arts is to publish scientific and original articles in the fields of social sciences and arts. The Journal also host International and National Conferences to publish their research work.
KutBilim Journal of Social Sciences and Arts provides guidance for all researchers working in the interdisciplinary fields and featuring the latest research findings for all range of topics, including:
Anthropology | Fine Arts | Political Economy |
Archaeology | Foreign Trade | Political Management |
Banking and Insurance | Geography | Political Psychology |
Banking Practices | Government Systems | Political Sociology |
Bureaucracy | Health Management | Psychology |
Business Administration | Health Tourism | Public Administration |
Central and Local Governments | History | Regional Policies |
Civil Society | Human and Social Capital | Religious Education |
Constitutional Developments | Human Resources | Religious Studies |
Contemporary Linguistics | Human Rights and Democracy | Risk Management |
Criminal Justice | Industrialization | Social Policy |
Crisis management | International Relations | Social Psychology |
Culture Tourism | International Trade | Sociology |
Econometrics | Law | Sports Economics |
Economic Systems | Local Governments | Sports Financing |
Economics Management | Logistics | Sports Management |
Economy | Management and Organization | Statistics |
Education | Media | Strategic Management |
Education Management | Multiculturalism | Theology |
Energy | Music | Tourism Management |
Film and TV | Organization Theory | Dialects and Literatures |
Finance | Organizational Behavior | Unemployment and Employment |