Prof. Dr. Gülzura JUMAKUNOVA
Kinship terms, as words that express familial relationships, have an important place in the fundamental vocabulary of the Turkish society. Lineage-based kinship is a kind of community grown out of a nuclear family with all its members having blood ties with each other. The kinship system, which is dominant in the Kyrgyz society is the patrilineal kinship based on a single origin kinship system. In the patrilineal kinship system, family members form far more close relationships with the relatives on the father’s side, and thus are segregated from the children of female members. The purpose of this article is to assign the significant points of formation and evolution process of Kyrgyz family-kinship terms and to evaluate them in the light of the factors which played an effective role in this process.
Keywords: Kyrgyz language, kinship terms, family-kinship terms, nuclear family, patrilineal kinship system.
Publication date: 01.06.2021
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