AYTIŞLAR VE ATIŞMALAR (Türk Dünyasının Ortak Kültürel Değerlerinden Bir Örnek)
Prof. Dr. Naciye ATA YILDIZ
There are commonalities in the traditions and customs, worldview, traditional literary understanding and value judgments of the Turkish world, which has spread over a wide geography in the world. These partnerships are proof that the Turkish noble peoples come from the same root. One of the traditional partnership in the field of literature in Turkey in the Turkish "atışma", while in the Kyrgyz Turkish "aytış" are named as such. As in other Turkish tribes, there are individual types of this genre, both anonymous and related to "âşık" and "akın" in Turkish folk literature as well as in Kyrgyz folk literature. In this study, the Kyrgyz "aytış" with Turkey in the Turkish types "atışma" are to be compared; The richness of similarities and differences will be tried to be revealed.
Keywords: Folk literature, aytış, atışma, Kyrgyz, Turkey Turks.
Publication date: 01.06.2021
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