Коомдук Билим жана Искусство Журналы


Assoc. Prof. Elena V. BUDYKA


Aghadjanian N.A., Batotsyrenova T.E., Semenov Yu.N. (2010). Ecological and Physiological and Ethnic Characteristics of Human Adaptation to Different Conditions of Environment. Vladimir: Publishing House VlGU.

Aghadjanian N.A., Bayevsky R.M., Berseneva A.P. (2006). Problems of Adaptation and Teaching on Health. Tutorial. Мoscow: Publishing House RUDN.

Bayevsky R.M., Berseneva A.P., Luchitskaya E.S., Slepchenkova I.N., Chernikova A.G. (2009). Assessment of the Level of Health in the Study of Practically Healthy Persons. Мoscow: Firm «Slovo».

Bragina N.N., Dobrokhotova T.A. (1981). Functional Asymmetry in Humans. Мoscow: Meditsina.

Budyka E.V., Efimova I.V., Batotsyrenova T.E. (2017). “Health Research in Neuropsychology of Individual Differences”. Psychology of Health and Illness: Clinical Psychological Approach. Mat. VII. All Russ. Conference with International Participation. Ed. Tkachenko P.V. Kursk: KSMU: 57-62.

Budyka E.V., Grigoryan E.V., Efremova A.A., Proshkina E.N. (2016). “Differences in Functional States of Psychophysiological Indices Associated with the Features of Interhemispheric Asymmetry and Cyclical Changes in the Female Body”. Russian Sports Complex "Ready for Labour and Defence (GTO)” and Mass Sport in Healthy Living System for Population: Mat. Intern. Scient. Pract. Conf. Vladimir: Publishing House VlGU: 85-87.

Budyka E.V., Zuyeva E.A., Shestakovich I.S. (2010). “Some Characteristics of Cognitive Processes of Persons with Distinguished Lateralization of Motor and Sensory Functions”. Modern Research Directions of Interhemispheric Asymmetry and Functional Brain Plasticity. Experimental and Theoretical Aspects of Neuroplasticity. Мoscow: Nauchnyy Mir: 104-108.

Efimova I.V. (2007). Ambidextrous Persons: Neuropsychology of Individual Differences. St. Petersburg: KARO.

Efimova I.V., Batotsyrenova T.E., Brusov V.V., Budyka E.V. (2016). “Heart Rate Variability Analysis among Students with Different Traits in the Laterals of the Motor and Sensory Systems”. Fundamental and Applied Problems of Neuroscience: Functional Asymmetry, Neuroplasticity and Neurogeneration. Mat. Second All Russ. Conf. with the Intern. Participation. Ed. Piradov M.A., Illarioshkin S.N., Fokin V.F. Мoscow: FANO, FGBNU Scientific Center of Neurology: 106-112.

Efimova I.V., Budyka E.V. (2009). “Interhemispheric Functional Asymmetry and the Problem of Individual Health”. Guide to Functional Interhemispheric Symmetry. Мoscow: Nauchnyy Mir: 692-727.

Fomina E.V. (2006). “Factor Leading Eye on Dynamic Adjustment of Interhemispheric Asymmetry of EEG Spectral Power”. Omsk Scientific Bulletin. 1 (34): 231-235.

Khomskaya E.D. (1999). “Lateral Brain Organization as Neuropsychological Basis a Typology of Norms”. Reader on Neuropsychology. Мoscow: Russian Psychological Society: 410-413.

Khomskaya E.D., Efimova I.V. (1991). “To the Problem of Typology of Interhemispheric Asymmetry of Individual Profiles of the Brain”. Vestnik MSU. 14 (4): 42-47.

Khomskaya E.D., Efimova I.V., Budyka E.V., Enikolopova E.V. (2011). Neuropsychology of Individual Differences: Manual for Students of the Educational Institutions. Prof. education. Мoscow: Publishing Centre «Academiya».

Leutin V.P., Nikolaeva E.I. (2005). Functional Brain Asymmetry: Myths and Reality. St. Petersburg: Rech.

Moskvin, V.A., Moskvina N.V. (2011). Interhemispheric Asymmetry and Individual Differences in Humans. Мoscow: Smysl,

Nikolayeva E.I., Dobrin A.V., Yavorovich K.N. (2012). “Lateral Efficiency Indicators and Functional Sensory Motor Asymmetries in the Forecast Level of Psychological Parameters”. Functional Lateralization and Plasticity of the Brain (Materials All-Russian Conference with International Participation). NTN RAMN: 139-142.

Poborský A.N. (2013). “Psychological Autonomic Reactions of Students with Different Types of Brain Asymmetry Individual Profiles”. Healthcare and Education in Siberia. Medical and Pharmacological Sciences. 4: 23-27.

Tvorogova, N.D. (2006). “Clinical Psychology”. Psychological Lexicon. Enc. Dictionary in Six Volumes. ed. Karpenko L.A. Under ed. Petrovsky A.V. Мoscow: PER SE.

Wolfe A.M., Dennis K.K., Canino M.C., Fillers N.P., Dodd D.J, Brown D.D. (2016). “The Relationship between Physical Activity, Sleep Efficiency, and Heart Rate Variability”. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise. 48 (5S): 293-297.

Publication date: 01.06.2021

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